Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Winter Season

There are things that I like and I dislike about the winter season. I like how me and my friends used to go around the neighborhood and get a bunch of people to have a snowball fight. I also like to go outside and pull my little brother and sister around in the sled. The only thing I don't like about winter is when it gets like below zero outside and I also hate the wind when it's that cold out too. My favorite memory is back in like eighth grade, it snowed like a ton and everybody in my neighborhood wanted to have a snowball fight. We built huge snow forts because there was a lot of snow to use. We also built like little tunnels under the snow connecting each part of the fort and that probably wasn't very smart because if you were crawling through a tunnel and someone was walking above you, the tunnel would collapse and you would be in big trouble. Luckily, this didn't happen. I can't remember who won the fight because it was so much fun, that we really didn't even keep track. This was my favorite memory of the winter season.

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